Paying full retail


I don’t mind paying full price for things that provide value in my life. Things I appreciate and enjoy. Things I need. Even if they cost more than they “should” or more than I want to pay.

There’s nothing wrong with saving a few bucks but there’s also nothing wrong with buying the best or hiring the best and paying full price.

I deserve it. You do, too. It’s good to remember that.

We also deserve to be paid full price by our clients.

If a client doesn’t appreciate what we do for them, if they insist on getting an unreasonable deal, they don’t deserve us and shouldn’t have us.

Remember that the next time you feel a little guilty for saying no.

There’s a cosmic justice at work in the world. You get what you pay for and if you try to cheat the system, the world finds out and makes you pay.

You want to be successful? You must pay the price. No discounts. No shortcuts. Put in the time, put in the effort, do what needs to be done.

“At the counter of success, everyone pays full retail,” goes the old saw.

That’s the way it is. That’s the way it must be.

Step by step: how to get more referrals
