You’ve heard me say it before: to build a successful practice, with lots of repeat business and referrals, you should focus on clients, not cases.
Don’t look at what a single matter is worth to you. Look at what the client can bring you over their lifetime or the lifetime of their business.
The initial case might be small. You might earn a negligible fee. Sometimes, you might not earn anything. But if you focus on treating every client like they are worth a fortune to you, eventually, some of them will be.
The guy who has a fender bender today could have a catastrophic injury next year. The small startup that can barely afford to talk to you today could become your biggest client in a couple of years.
And every one of them can send you referrals, send traffic to your website, say nice things about you on social media, and tell their friends or contacts about your upcoming event.
Clearly, this doesn’t mean you can give every client the same amount of attention. Your best clients should get more of your personal time. See them, talk to them on the phone, build a relationship with them that goes beyond the work.
The rest of your clients should be nurtured with email, letters, and calls from your staff.
Whatever you do, don’t be like some attorneys who believe that doing a good job for their clients is all they have to do. They don’t understand that clients come back not just because you did a good job but because of how you made them feel.
How to get clients to send referrals