Some lawyers charge $1000 per hour. Some charge even more. Some charge flat fees and can earn $20,000 in a day. Some get bonuses or a piece of the action and earn more on one deal or one case than many lawyers earn in two years.
How about you?
How much do you charge? Why don’t you charge more?
You’re worth what clients are willing to pay you (and you are willing to accept). If you would like to charge more but don’t think clients will pay it, stop and think for a minute: what if you’re wrong? What if you could charge more? A lot more. And get it, all day every day.
What would that do for you?
Would you be able to get rid of low-paying clients and work you don’t enjoy?
Would you be able to hire more employees and provide your clients with more value, allowing you to further increase your revenue?
Would you be able to improve your marketing and bring in better clients or bigger cases?
Would you be able to move to a better office that’s more appealing to higher-end clients?
Would you be able to open a second office and leverage a client base in another market?
Would you be able to upgrade your wardrobe and automobile, network with better prospects and professionals, and thus take your practice to an even higher level?
Would you have more time available, to improve your health, to be with family, and to do the things you’d like to do to build your career instead of grinding it out in the trenches all day?
Lots of things you could do if you were earning more. The question is, what do you have to do to earn it? How could you charge (a lot) more than you charge right now?
Make a list of ten things you can do that would allow you to charge higher fees or otherwise significantly increase your revenue. Narrow the list down to your top three ideas. Then, choose your best idea and get to work on it. Work on it every day. Make it your focus and keep working on it until you get it done.
When you’ve tripled your income, send me $100,000 as my fee for helping you get there.
That’s the way it works, bub. You get paid more when you’re worth more. And you ask for it.
One way to earn more is to improve your cash flow