Square peg. Round hole.


You’ve got a goal. And a plan. You’re working hard but your plan isn’t working.

Things are taking too long. There’s too much pain. Too many detours, too many mistakes, not enough victories.

Maybe your plan is flawed. Maybe all your hard work won’t get you where you want to go. Maybe you need a new plan.

Yes, but:

It takes time. I need to keep going.

What if you don’t?

It’s not supposed to be easy.

What if it is?

I’ve invested all this time and money. I can’t change course now.

What if you could? What if you should?

I need to do this right now so I can do what I really want later.

What if that’s not true? What if you could do what you want now, and keep doing it later?

What if instead of trying to make things happen you let go and let them happen? What if instead of pushing and struggling you relax and let it be easy?

Chew on this, Kimosabe:

Be stubborn with your goals but flexible about how you get there.

If you need a new marketing plan, try this
