Of all the lawyers who read yesterday’s message about reaching out to other professionals to see if they are open to some kind of referral relationship, how many do you think actually did it? How many will?
My guess is that most are still thinking about it, weighing the pros and cons, trying to figure out the best way to go about it, and most will eventually do nothing.
And that’s sad because the only way to get results is by taking action. As General George Patton said, “An imperfect plan implemented immediately and violently will always succeed better than a perfect plan.”
Anyway, one lawyer wrote to tell me he went for it and reported his results.
He’s a sole practitioner and identified a lawyer in his field who manages a mid-sized firm in a nearby country. The firm does a lot of marketing and could be a big source of referrals for him.
He sent the managing partner information about a new law in his country which might be relevant to some of the firm’s clients. The partner wasn’t aware of the new law and appreciated him for bringing it to his attention.
The solo broached the subject of mutual referrals between the two firms. He offered to add a link to the firm’s website on his website and asked if they would do the same for his.
He also asked if the firm would be willing to provide a (brief) free consultation to people he refers to them.
The partner said they would gladly provide a free consultation. The firm has a lawyer they already work with in his country, however, so they can’t post the link to his site or send him referrals. But, he said, when they have a matter that is outside their lawyer’s area of expertise, they would be happy to send the referrals to him.
An imperfect plan? You tell me:
- The solo can now promote the firm’s free consultation to his current and former clients, adding value to his relationship with them.
- He can promote the free consultation to prospective clients in his country who might have interests in the nearby country.
- By posting a link to the larger firm (and saying something nice about them), he will identify as having a relationship with them, and thus augment his credibility and prestige.
- He has opened the door to future referrals from the firm.
- Emboldened by these results, he can approach other firms in the other country and work out similar arrangements.
Not bad for a couple of emails to someone he didn’t know.
How to get referrals from other lawyers