When we were kids, every day was an adventure. We had fun doing things we saw on TV, read about in books, or could conjure up in our imaginations. One thing we never imagined, however, was doing the same thing for the rest of our lives.
And then we went to law school.
We settled into a career that demands focus. We do the same things every day, getting better at our jobs, but for many lawyers, that job eventually becomes boring.
If you find yourself bored with your work, here are three things you can do:
Delegate the boring parts
Some parts of the job are more interesting than others. By getting others to do most of the routine, boring work, you’ll free yourself up to do the more stimulating and challenging work.
Work less/do other things
Delegating and outsourcing will free up time. You can free up even more time by using strategies and tools that streamline your workflow and make more efficient.
You can use some of the time you free up to pursue outside interests: hobbies, a side business, charitable work, or anything else that excites you.
Your work may still be boring but you’ll have enough other things going on in your life to keep you stimulated and fulfilled.
Find fulfillment in the work itself
Ultimately, the best way to avoid boredom is to find fulfillment in the work itself. One of the best ways to do that is to continually take your practice into new markets where you will learn new things and meet new people.
In addition, challenge yourself to continually acquire new skills and improve your existing ones.
Finally, make sure you continually set new goals that force you to stretch and grow.
Not only are these strategies good for business, you will never be bored because every day will be a new adventure.
One of the best ways to earn more and work less is to get more referrals