A hundred opportunities a day to grow your practice


I’m not the only one to point out that everything you do in your practice is marketing.

From the way you answer the phone to the invoices you send your clients. From the way you speak to prospects about how you can help them to the sincerity of your “thank you” notes. Even the way you conduct yourself with opposing counsel who might someday speak kindly about you or send you a referral.

It’s all marketing.

And because it’s all marketing, your day is filled with opportunities to build and develop your relationships and your reputation and grow your practice.

Every time you speak to someone or write something someone else will read, you have an opportunity to help people get to know, like, and trust you. Be aware of these opportunities and don’t squander them. Consistently give people a little more value or a little more insight into how you are different or better.

In the beginning, you may need to make a conscious effort to do this. You may have to ask yourself what you can do to go beyond the core elements of your job. You may have to remind yourself to take a few extra seconds to ask about a client’s children or to re-read your email before you send it to find a way to make it more personal.

Eventually, you will do these things automatically. They will be baked into your persona and your methods of operation. And eventually, you’ll begin to notice that good things are happening in your practice.

Most of your marketing can be done this way. The little things you do, in the moment, if done consistently and with sincerity and heart, will attract more clients, more referral sources, and more opportunities to get the word out about what you do.

This is how marketing used to be done. This is how most of your marketing can be done still.

Learn more ways to grow your practice here
