It’s time for me to confess


I have a confession to make. I don’t like marketing. Never have, never will.

That may sound crazy coming from me but it’s true. So if you don’t like marketing, that’s cool. We’re on the same page.

What I like is what marketing can do. The new business it brings. The lifestyle it affords.

I like knowing that because of marketing, I will never have sleepless nights worried about where my next client will come from, or if they will come at all.

And, compared to some of the other things I’ve had to do in my career, marketing really isn’t difficult. Or time-consuming. Or expensive.

At least it doesn’t have to be.

And hey, marketing lets you use the very skills that made a career in law attractive to you: writing, speaking, thinking, planning–using your brain instead of your brawn. And let’s not forget that marketing also allows you to help more people.

So hate on it, if you must, but find a way to do it. Because marketing is your friend. Even if you don’t like your friend and wish you never had to see her again.

Marketing is easier with this
