I like big checks. The bigger the better. Yeah, I admit it. Big checks really make my day.
Wire transfers, direct deposits, and piles of cash also make my heart sing. If it spends, I like it. That’s just how I roll.
I like big checks and I can not lie. You other lawyers can’t deny, that when a client walks in and pays big money it’s exciting–a thing of beauty to behold.
Yeah, I like big checks, because big checks let me pay big bills and buy big things and watch my bank account grow.
Nothing wrong with that. It’s natural. So if you have a big check I want to talk to ya.
But you know what? I also like little checks. Because little checks can pay little bills and lots of little checks can pay lots of little bills.
It’s a beautiful thing.
And clients with little checks can come back and I’m always happy to see them. Sometimes they come back with big checks, and you know I like that. Sometimes they send you their friends with little checks, and big checks, too.
It’s all good.
So yeah, I like big checks but if you’ve got a small check, I like that, too.
Client got check.
C’mon, you know you want more referrals