If the Internet didn’t exist, how would you go about marketing your services? Think about this for minute or two. Write down some ideas.
Go ahead. I’ll wait.
If you were around before the Internet, you can probably remember what you did. Write that down.
Finished? Good. What did you say?
Let me guess.
You would build relationships with prospective clients and with people who can refer them. You would build your reputation in your community or target market by speaking and writing and networking with centers of influence. You would create content (brochures, articles, white papers, reports, books, audios) that demonstrate your knowledge and experience. And you would work you tush off for your clients and generate repeat business and referrals.
There might be a few other things you would do if the Internet didn’t exist. I did a lot of advertising in days past. Maybe you did, too.
Now, look at your list. With a few possible exceptions, you might notice that the things you would do if there was no Internet (and what you did before the Internet) are pretty much the same things you do today.
Marketing doesn’t change. Fundamentals don’t change.
Jim Rohn said, “There are no new fundamentals. You’ve got to be a little suspicious of someone who says, “I’ve got a new fundamental.” That’s like someone inviting you to tour a factory where they are manufacturing antiques.”
Technology makes things easier and less expensive and gives you more options. But you’re still doing the same things.
Marketing is easier when you have a plan