Every day, I quickly go through my blog feeds. I delete most of the articles, skim one or two, and save the rest to Instapaper to read later. I often use these saved articles as blog post ideas.
This morning, I opened an article which had an intriguing quote as the headline. It said, “Be the type of person you want to meet“.
I expected to find some advice on personal development. Or networking. Or how to “mirror and match” the people you meet.
But that was the entire article. Just the quote. Nothing else, not even the name of who said it.
Can you really use a single sentence as the entirety of a blog post? Or an email to your client list?
Why not?
If the quote inspires you or makes you think, if it’s something you’d like to share with your readers or subscribers, if you’re pressed for time and all you can come up with this week is a one sentence quote, then that’s what you should do.
Nobody will report you to the blog police.
The whole idea of staying in touch with your list is that they hear from you on a regular basis. You want to be “in their minds and their mailboxes” when they are ready to hire you or have a referral.
Sometimes you write substantive posts. Sometimes you share a story. Sometimes you promote something. And sometimes, you share a link, a photo or infographic, or a quote.
Of course if you’re like me, you’ll be forced to add something. Lawyers are windy, don’t you know. So you’ll add a comment or two about why you like the quote or whatever else you’re sharing. And sometimes, you’ll find that you’ve written 300 words. Like I found I just did in this post.
For more on how to write a blog post (or how to start a blog or newsletter), get this.