Before you know it, you’ll be doing some planning for the new year. Setting some goals, writing out plans.
When you do, there’s something you should think about.
If you make a list of everything going on in your life, you’ll note that some things are great, some things are bad, and most things, perhaps 80-90%, are “okay”.
You might look at this way:
Bad: problems, weaknesses, issues, trouble, pain
Great: working well, profitable, easy, pleasurable
Okay: works most of the time, rarely needs attention, neither great nor terrible
Okay, you get the idea.
So, you sit down to set some goals and contemplate your future. Where do you begin?
Most people start by fixing problems. If you’ve got troubles that are causing you sleepless nights, and you can do something about them, that makes sense. Get those issues off your plate so you can think, and sleep.
But if have problems that aren’t causing you pain and loss, they are simply weak areas in your life, fixing them is probably not the best use of your time.
Instead, look for areas that promise the biggest opportunities for growth and happiness. You’ll find them on your list of  things that are already great.
Take what’s working and make them even better. As Thomas Edison put it, “There’s a way to do it better–find it.”
Let’s talk about your practice. What’s working well?
You’re getting lots of new clients every month. How can you get more? How can you get better clients and bigger cases?
Your cases are settling nicely. How can you settle them faster, for higher amounts and at lower expense?
Your employees work efficiently. How can you help be even better?
Your biggest opportunities for growth are in those areas where things are already working well. You’re doing it right. You’re successful. There’s always a way to do it better.
In blackjack, when you’ve got a ten or eleven, depending on the dealer’s up-card you don’t just play the hand and take the likely win. You double down and maximize your winnings. You don’t settle for good when you can have great.
Go through your list, find your good hands, and look for ways to make them better.
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