Most business professionals seek to connect with as many people as possible. They equate quantity with effective marketing. In truth, quality is paramount. One high quality contact who is willing to help you is worth thousands of average contacts.
High quality business contacts are influential in your target market. They know the people you want to know and can introduce you to them. They can solve problems for you with one phone call. They can give you money-saving and time-saving advice that can help you take giant leaps in the growth of your practice.
High quality contacts are also open to working with you. But that isn’t a given. It is a privilege, something you earn by helping them or someone or something important to them.
First you have to meet them. The best way is to be introduced by a mutual contact. Another good option is to attend one of their speaking engagements and introduce yourself. Then, stay in touch with them and promote them and anything they offer. Court them, in other words, and in time, they may notice.
It takes work and it takes time, but it’s worth it.
The problem with average contacts is that they are average. They’re doing okay (or struggling), and the people they know are in the same boat. They may be willing to help you but they are limited in what they can do.
The other problem with having lots of average contacts is that it is inefficient. You shotgun your energy, spraying it in many directions.
Zero in on a few key people who are well-known in your market or community. Find a way to meet them, and then stay close to them. Join their groups, support their causes, promote their work. In time, you may be noticed, and then accepted. Soon, your efforts will start to pay off.
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