Do you love your clients?


Do you love your clients? You do? Wow, that’s a bit creepy. Don’t they have rules against that in your state?

Like your clients, sure. Care about, appreciate them, respect them, yes, yes, and yes. But not so quick with the love glue-gunnin.

Let’s reserve the Valentine’s for loved ones, okay? And your dog, if you must. But not the clients.

But, here’s the thing. When was the last time you told a client you cared about them?

You don’t have to get all weepy or anything. You’ll just embarrass them, and yourself. In fact, you really don’t have to say anything at all. You can let them know in little ways. Like calling them, off the clock, just to say hello. Like remembering the names of their kids. Like sending them a hand written thank you note when they send you a referral.

I’ve hired attorneys. Doctors, dentists, too. Most of them get it wrong. Oh, they go through the motions of being friendly and treating me like a person, instead of an account. But you can tell, they’ve got other things on their mind.

Look me in the eyes, please. Take an extra few seconds to listen. Laugh at my dumb jokes, and maybe tell me one of your own.

Yes, I know you’ve got other clients in the waiting room, but I’m here in the office, right now. Me. Make me feel like I’m your only client, just for a few seconds.

I came to you because I heard you’re good at your job. That’s important to me. If you do good work, I’ll probably come back.

But what if you went a wee bit further and made me feel special? Like you truly enjoyed meeting me. And you appreciate having me as a client and you know that without me and others like me, your kids wouldn’t go to a nice school.

Then, I might do more than come back. I might become a big fan and go out of my way to tell others about how great you are, not just as a clinician, but as a person. Someone special. Someone I care about. Someone the world needs to know about.

I won’t send you flowers or candy, but I might help you fill your waiting room with clients.

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