Let’s try a little exercise. I want you to think back to one year ago. Look at your calendar to remind yourself where you were and what you were doing. Sort your notes by date. Read your diary.
What did you do or change one year ago that has positively affected your life today? It doesn’t have to be exactly one year ago. Close enough is close enough.
Write it down.
“One year ago, I. . .” and then describe how your law practice or personal life has improved as a result. Something like this:
One year ago. . .
“. . .I started. . . and today, I. . .”.
“. . .I improved. . . and today, I. . .”.
“. . .I changed. . . and today, I. . .”.
“. . .I updated. . . and today, I. . .”.
“. . .I stopped. . . and today, I . . .”.
You might find it easier to work backwards, that is, to think about something positive in your life right now and see if you can relate it back to something you did last year. For example, if you are seeing an increase in new clients today, you might realize that last year at this time, you began reading my blog or you purchased one of my courses. (Smiley face with big grin goes here.)
Anyway, if you can find something you did last year that has benefited you this year, it should be noted and reflected upon. How did you come to make that change? What precipitated it? What has been the best part? What might you have done differently or better?
Now, think about the future. How can you amplify what you did last year to make it even better this year? What should you continue doing and what should you consider changing? What should you do more of and what might you cut back on?
By now, you have probably figured out that the point of this exercise isn’t really to get you to look back so much as it is to get you to look forward.
What could you do today so that one year from now, you can look back at this date and see how you effected a positive outcome?
Go on, give it some thought and write down your answers. What could you start, improve, change, update, or stop doing today?
Send me an email next year and let me know how it worked out.
The Attorney Marketing Formula includes a simple marketing plan. Check it out here.