How do you typically answer when someone asks you, “What’s new?”
One expert says that answering, “Nothing much,” squanders an opportunity to promote your practice. She says, “Highlight recent successes or certain aspects of your practice.”
What do I think? I think that most people don’t really care about what’s new in your world, they’re just being polite.
They really don’t want to hear about how great you are doing, unless it benefits them. “I just settled a multi-million dollar case,” would be great news to share if you are talking to your spouse or partner. Nobody else cares.
Most people aren’t listening, anyway. They’re thinking about themselves. Their problems. Their unfinished business. If they have good news, they’re thinking about that and waiting for you to stop talking so they can tell you about it.
Yeah, maybe that’s a bit cynical. But no less true.
If you do have some good news, it’s okay to share it. But be brief. If they don’t pick up on it and ask for details, move on.
If they do pick up on it and ask questions, the odds are they’re still being polite. Don’t fall into the trap of telling them all about it. Turn the conversation back to them.
Let the other guy do most of the talking. Ask about his work or what he’s doing for fun. Ask him, “What’s new with you?”
If you don’t have good news to share, please don’t tell them about your problems. Yes, they might be happy to hear that your life is actually worse than theirs, but you can forget about them hiring you.
“What’s new?” “Nothing much. How about you?”
Works for me.
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