You can’t do everything, nor should you try. You should do only what you do best and delegate everything else.
Consultant and trainer, Brian Tracy, advises to find out what you love to do and design your career around it. "If you could only perform one task all day long, from morning to night, what one activity at work would you select?" ["Create Your Own Future", 2002, p.86]
Leadership expert John Maxwell Maxwell agrees. "I strive for excellence in a few things rather than a good performance in many."
When he delegates tasks, Maxwell uses the 10-80-10 principle: "I help with the first 10 percent by casting vision, laying down parameters, providing resources, and giving encouragement. Then, once they’ve done the middle 80 percent, I come alongside them again and help them take whatever it is the rest of the way, if I can. I call it putting the cherry on top." ["Thinking for a change," 2003, page 91.]
What do you do best? THAT’S what you should do. Let others do the rest.