Welcome (or welcome back) to The Attorney Marketing Center!
You’ll notice quite a few changes here. You should see a cleaner look, easier navigation, and more content.
This update is long overdue. I created the first version of the AMC myself, nearly ten years ago, and haven’t updated it all that often, especially in the last couple of years. If you are subscriber to my newsletter, you haven’t heard much from me lately. I have been busy building another business.
A few weeks ago, I realized I needed a simple way to deliver information to my key business associates. I found WordPress, a user-friendly, free blogging resource, and set up a (private) blog. It was easy and it’s perfect for what I had in mind, and that’s when I got the idea to revamp this web site. What you see is the result.
You may notice that this entire web site is built upon and driven by blog technology. If you don’t know what that means (or don’t care), that’s okay, all you need to know is that the bottom line for you is more information that is faster to access, better organized, and more timely. But there’s another benefit.
A blog is really a diary, but there can be more than one diarist. I am here to organize and give impetus to the delivery of information, but others are encouraged to participate in that process, and that includes you. A blog allows a community to share their experiences, knowledge, and opinions. It is interactive and multi-dimensional. One comment elicits others, and the two are commented upon by a third. It is a melting pot of ideas, a sharing of experiences, and the amalgam which is produced thereby, strengthens and enriches us all.
Now, if this is old hat to you, if you have been blogging for three years and know your way around the Blogosphere like the back of your hand, then bear with those of us who are recent immigrants to the New World. We welcome your guidance and input and we hope you welcome us as well. We bring many questions and offer our unique experiences, and together, we will make this a more prosperous community for all.
Speaking of prosperity, the newsletter has been renamed The Prosperous Lawyer, to reflect the expanded scope of this web site. While marketing will continue to be the primary focus, we’ll also explore topics like goal setting, productivity, personal development, time management, and wealth creation. The goal is to build not just a successful law practice but a successful life. If you are not yet a subscriber to the newsletter, or if you’re not sure, fill in the subscription box in the right-hand corner of this page and watch for a confirmation email. (If you don’t get the email, check your spam folder.)
You can also subscribe to this blog’s "feed". See those chicklets on the far right, towards the bottom of the page? Those allow you to subscribe, using a "reader," and the blog posts (what you are reading right now) will be "pushed" to you so you can see what has been written without coming to the web site itself.
(Don’t ask me what I just said–remember, I’m new here!)
We’ll talk more about blogs and blogging in the days ahead. We’ll learn together! But although I am new to blogging, I am not new to marketing on the Internet, and there are three things I can tell you right now.
1. First, if you do not have some kind of online presence, you are missing out. There is a lot of business to be had online. People are looking for the solutions you offer, and if they can’t find you, they’ll hire someone else.
2. Second, it’s not that hard. Yes, there is a learning curve, but most of what I have done here I learned to do in the last two weeks. Of course, you can hire people to help you, or do it for you, but there are tools and resources available if you want to do it yourself (and I’ll help you find them).
3. Third, this is fun! I’m really enjoying this and I think you would, too, so come on in, the water is fine!
Please have a look around The NEW Attorney Marketing Center. I look forward to blogging with you.
All the best,
David Ward
“Be a mentor with a servant’s heart!”
P.S. For the "interesting but utterly useless file": Blogs that are law-related
are called "Blawgs."